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Team Upstate FAQs

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What is the purpose of Team Upstate?

Team Upstate encourages and supports volunteer participation and sponsored activities that reflect Upstate's mission, vision, and values and Strategic Plan among our employees, students, and retirees.

What types of events/programs/activities does Team Upstate support?

Team Upstate supports a number of Upstate activities and events each year, in addition to many others throughout Central New York. Consistent with our mission, vision, and values as well as our strategic plan, Team Upstate gives support to events/programs/activities that address a community health care and/or educational need. Our support comes many forms including financial, marketing, public relations, and volunteers

What is Your Cause and how do you apply?

The Your Cause sponsorship program has been established to promote the spirit of volunteerism within our staff and students to outside organizations and reward it with promotional and financial support.  Each year one Your Cause organization is selected from applications sent in by staff.  An announcement for applications starts November 1 with the end of November as the deadline.  Employees and students are encouraged to apply for their organization of choice which will be eligible for up to $5000 in support.

For more information and to download the application please visit our Your Cause webpage.

What if my department is willing to support my event or cause? Do I need to work with Team Upstate as well?

Individual departments may support community activities if their plans support their marketing goals, are self-supporting, and do not involve campus resources.

I'd like to raise money for Upstate. Can Team Upstate help me promote that?

Before initiating any fundraising efforts, contact the Upstate Foundation regarding coordination. In addition, contacting any group of alumni requires permission and coordination with the appropriate alumni association. Please see the policy for more information.
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