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  • Be Active

    Be Active

    Walk, run and support our community

  • Your Cause

    Your Cause

    Can become our cause.

  • Participate


    in charity events sponsored by Upstate

  • Get involved

    Get involved

    Volunteer for our community

  • Working Hard

    Working Hard

    To help those in need

  • Adopt-A-Block


    Keeping 'CUSE Clean, One Block at a Time


Community service has been a long-standing tradition at Upstate. Our employees and students give their time and talents to support causes where they work and live. Team Upstate promotes, encourages, and supports our commitments to the community.

Contact: Zanette Howe (Chair) howez@jinken-fukuoka.com

To apply to the 2023 Your Cause sponsorship apply HERE

Team Upstate in the News
